Greetings my Peeps!
I just realized without much more than a light bulb popping over my head, that some of you may not know that my blog has moved!!!!! Is where you'll find all my content from now on. There's a place to subscribe to the blog, links to my publications, links to Facebook & Twitter, and all sorts of new content. I hope you enjoy the new site, as hundreds of hours of moving and creating content has been lovingly put into it. I'm proud of what's been done, and have added much of the content myself. However, credit needs to go to Mr Mike Schafir, without whom I could have never accomplished such a feat.
I'm so sorry folks, for my lack of foresight. It's been an uphill battle to keep up with the writing, both The Long Haul Magazine, The Grip, and getting y'all updates. I'm not complaining mind you, but tackling all that and running my trucking business has kept me out of trouble without a doubt.
Life has been interesting for sure, partnerships have changed, an enormous amount of work has been accomplished, a student has been trained for the truck, and hired as a co-driver, and life hasn't stopped moving at warp speed since the last time I wrote in August. One major significant thing has changed though. Chris and I are back together. If you want all the details in full you'll have to follow the link and catch up with the news of your Gypsy there, as this will be my last blog post here.
Each and every one of my readers are important to me. I know I have been absent, but please bear with me folks, as things are about to get terribly exciting in the days and weeks to come. Please join me on my new adventures, I'd hate for you to miss a thing!
Eat well, laugh often, be free, & be you!
Gypsy Gourmet
A day in the life of the gypsygourmet...
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Update in the World of GG
I can almost hear my faithful readers hiss each time they pull up my blog and see the same post. I am sorry, dear readers. (Grimace) I've been in a whirlwind of activity with so much going on in a short time frame, that alas, the blog and y'all have been sorely neglected. So this time instead of taking you on one single adventure with one recipe, I'm going to take you on several adventures and catch you up to date on my crazy life. You guessed it, the blanks will be filled, the mystery man revealed, and the secrecy around my quasi (and I DO mean quasi) celebrity status will be laid at your feet in a tale that should be a movie, yet is only the catch up on a few months and weeks out of my life. Nuts? Yep. Craziness? Some of that too. So hold on to your seats my loyal readers, the ride only gets better from here!
At the end of April, after an arduous journey of heartache, change, and renewal, entered Paul, stage left. We met a year ago August, in Denver, CO through work, and kept in touch over the following months. At the beginning of March, after that horrible break-up, we started talking everyday. Sometimes we'd talk through half a shift (that's like five-six hours, guys). When my life turned upside-down he listened. When I didn't know what else to do, he helped me think outside of the box for a better solution. When I said I wasn't ready for a relationship because I was broken, he said, "I'll wait." He has been a better friend to me than at times I deserved, been the calm to my storm, and the yin to my yang. I have been blessed with a true partner who walks with me through the good and the bad, showing me instead of telling me. Harley got a sweet little girlfriend out of the deal too; Maggie May. They're so stinkin' cute together it's seriously filling my hard drive with pictures of the two of them. We chose to make it exclusive at the end of April. Both of us a bit hesitant, but faith in God, and faith in us won the day as we merged our businesses and lives mid June. Seems quick, but in our industry things can change at an alarming rate, and two heads are better than one. We are currently partnering on his 2012 Kenworth with retro-fitted kitchen, and our two dogs.We hired an excellent driver for the Freightliner; I just can't give up on good ol' Buella. I've worked too hard to keep her to fail now. Her pay off date is November 16, and God willing, we'll get there one step at a time. So now you understand who I'm referring to when I say, "We.". Mystery man revealed. Ta Da!
The Magazine
A few weeks ago I was approached to be a columnist for the online magazine, The Long Haul. Luisa Nims, the CEO of The Long Haul and I had been corresponding for almost a year. During that time I was helping her with a few side projects she had cooked up. I was blown away by the offer, fledgling magazine or not, because what a great opportunity to reach more people! Luisa has created a magazine for the transportation industry and those who drive it. Her vision is to fill the existing void with something akin to what Vanity Fair is to fashion. High end, exquisite pictures, serious information on technology, products we actually use, trends in the industry, and even fashion. I'm terribly excited for the debut at the end of August, and will be updating the progress as we go. The Long Haul will be available on Apple newsstands soon, and more information can be found on the website . As soon as I accepted the strangest thing occurred. Several loads fell into place in an almost divine succession that landed us in Portland, Or, where Luisa and her family reside. Luisa and her husband Mike graciously extended the offer to stay with them for the weekend. Luisa and I were able to put together a few missing elements for the debut magazine. We were also able to cook, laugh, and relax. They have the most adorable twin daughters, Abby & Zoey, who made the trip bright and sunny with their sweet selves. It was an awesome experience. I seem to be blessed with the ability to meet the most extraordinary people, and Luisa and her family are no exception. They are incredible people extending not only their warmth and hospitality, but providing an amazing opportunity to a budding writer. I am ever so grateful to work with them and to call them friends.
The Grip
Just as I was gearing up for one deadline, hot damn I rounded the bend with two. I had dropped a line with local editor/owner, Jessica Gregory of The Grip, in what is now my hometown of Griffin, Ga. I had asked her if she needed any contributors for our independent newspaper. I thought it would be a great way to share some of my experiences on the road with my community while getting a little more writing in. Of course, I had sent this to her a couple weeks before the magazine opportunity came up. So in comes Jessica with a resounding yes! Omg, omg, omg. Turns out the very same day my deadline for The Long Haul was due, so was my first article for The Grip. I say to both, "Sure thing, no sweat, piece of cake!" Ha, the least of what I've forgotten is that I still drive the swing shift for Swift, 70 hours, seven days a week. Oh, as well as maintaining the Freightliner, and the paperwork associated with both trucks. All kidding aside, I love the opportunity to speak to my community and am rocking and rolling with the punches. I have been a crazy writing fool. Someone had said to me the other day something about when you have some free time, or get bored, check this blankety blank site out. To which I replied, "I don't get bored and free time is when I sleep!"
If you want to check out the type of articles I write, you're welcome to follow this link, . There is a lot of great content and I think you'll enjoy some of the other articles as well. You can always get your own subscription at .
Drum roll please...........
Quasi Celebrity Status
I have alluded from time to time about my "producers". Whether on Facebook, Twitter, or here, I have possibly mentioned meetings in New York, exciting prospects, and later updates. Well, I haven't mentioned much for a reason. It's not because I didn't want to, but more because I've had a small taste of what kind of delayed process any kind of publicity can be. When I was interviewed for CNN's Eatocracy back in October of last year,, they changed the concept and rescheduled a few times. So when I let the cat out of the bag the first time, I had to amend the release and the outlet. I wanted to talk about Rachael Ray contacting me soon after the article aired. Things seemed to move right along with them and they sent a film crew out to my location in Georgia. We filmed for an entire day. From the "B roll" footage to an interview, to an on-site filming at one of my favorite butcher shops locally, T&T Meats in Mc Donough, GA. All that was left was the in-studio taping and presto, a spot on nationally syndicated television. However, as season six of Rachael Ray progressed, my life turned upside-down with regular, normal, well, life. I went through a horrible break-up as you all well know, and gave them an update as things progressed. I'm not sure if that was it, if they honestly lost interest, got too busy, had folks a heck of a lot more interesting than me, or just deemed it worthy for the "project shelf". Last thing I heard was, "We don't have any more room in season six for you, maybe it'll be a good story for season seven. We do understand if you have to take other offers." This being said by a staffer I had NEVER spoken to before, and an email sent by me with an update was met by no response at all. Long story short, I love, love, love Rachael Ray, but am NOT holding my breath.
Superfine Films & WME
I had been contacted by several producers after the CNN article came out about doing television. I say doing television because some said "reality tv", some said "recipe based show", and nobody could really figure out which avenue or category I fit into. The moment some saw amateur video footage, they said in that "fancy" talk of theirs, "Nope." I went round and round with this, and through it all was one consistent, funny, warm fella that just wouldn't give up. His name is David Levitt, and he is with Superfine Films. He scared me off for a few months by talking about something called a holding agreement. I was unsure of how that worked, how fast things were going, and in general was completely out of my element. Rather than pressure me to make a commitment, he patiently opted to wait me out. David checked in with me from time to time during the following months, but never made me feel like I had to run screaming from him. This was the clincher. It turns out that not only would I get a great bunch of producers, but would also be represented by the oldest talent agency in the country, William Morris Endeavors or WME. William Morris has been around since vaudeville, and were the first to represent the cooking industry with people like Alton Brown, Paula Deen, and my fave, Guy Fieri. So in March of this year I signed with them. It's taken a ton of painstaking research on the part of Superfine, and a bunch of scheduling conflicts later, to get to what I call "The Shoot".
The Shoot
Two weeks after we were in Portland, OR finishing up with the finishing touches to "The Long Haul Magazine", the long awaited "Shoot" was scheduled in Brewster, NY. Superfine had finally found my niche market, and we were ready to put me in front of the camera to work my magic.The guys were more wound up than I was, and I had just gotten done running a few thousand miles, and was my usual sleep deprived self! We met at a place called The Red Rooster Drive-In, which is an iconic burger joint that has been serving up smiles for 30 years.
Andy, the owner, was a great sport and graciously invited us to film at his restaurant. His crew were amazing, the food delicious, and the whole day went off without a hitch. David and Stephen have been vague these last months as to which networks are interested to keep me from being nervous and I am going to remain tight lipped only because I just don't want to jinx it. Anything that happens at this point is a huge bonus anyway. I do what I do because I love it, not because someone wants to put me on television. I look at it like this; I'm always going to blog about my adventures whether 36 people read about it or 360,000, I'm getting to write for the first premier trucking magazine this industry has ever seen, I get to write for my local independent paper and reach my community, and I'm still writing three books, whether anyone buys or reads them. I've always marched to my own drummer and I always will. I'd really like the opportunity to share this with a greater number of people, but hey, I will eventually no matter what happens.

Voila! Mysteries revealed and you're almost caught up to date. Paul and I have been home for almost two weeks now, down for warranty repairs for the Kenworth. Something like this is bound to happen a few times a year whether you want it to or not. So I've been busy changing my website to a sleek, professional look, cooking, writing for The Grip, working with Luisa on The Long Haul's debut issue, (did I mention cooking?) getting some professional pictures taken for the first time ever (no offense Mike, but Stacy went to school for it), going to church, baking yummy breads, and trying to be active in my little community. You would think I'd take long naps, laze around in my pj's, and go to the beach, but a writer's work is never done, there IS always time for a nap somewhere, and some of my best work is done in my jammies. so until next time folks, eat well, laugh often, be free, & be YOU! It seems to be working alright for me.
PS I'll post another blog much sooner and include the recipe for the amazing banana bread I made tonight.
With Much Love,
gypsy gourmet
That "Oh crap."Moment when he realizes he's a part of the blog. |
The Magazine
A few weeks ago I was approached to be a columnist for the online magazine, The Long Haul. Luisa Nims, the CEO of The Long Haul and I had been corresponding for almost a year. During that time I was helping her with a few side projects she had cooked up. I was blown away by the offer, fledgling magazine or not, because what a great opportunity to reach more people! Luisa has created a magazine for the transportation industry and those who drive it. Her vision is to fill the existing void with something akin to what Vanity Fair is to fashion. High end, exquisite pictures, serious information on technology, products we actually use, trends in the industry, and even fashion. I'm terribly excited for the debut at the end of August, and will be updating the progress as we go. The Long Haul will be available on Apple newsstands soon, and more information can be found on the website . As soon as I accepted the strangest thing occurred. Several loads fell into place in an almost divine succession that landed us in Portland, Or, where Luisa and her family reside. Luisa and her husband Mike graciously extended the offer to stay with them for the weekend. Luisa and I were able to put together a few missing elements for the debut magazine. We were also able to cook, laugh, and relax. They have the most adorable twin daughters, Abby & Zoey, who made the trip bright and sunny with their sweet selves. It was an awesome experience. I seem to be blessed with the ability to meet the most extraordinary people, and Luisa and her family are no exception. They are incredible people extending not only their warmth and hospitality, but providing an amazing opportunity to a budding writer. I am ever so grateful to work with them and to call them friends.
Dutch-oven roasted chicken w/herbs |
The Grip

If you want to check out the type of articles I write, you're welcome to follow this link, . There is a lot of great content and I think you'll enjoy some of the other articles as well. You can always get your own subscription at .
Drum roll please...........
Quasi Celebrity Status
I have alluded from time to time about my "producers". Whether on Facebook, Twitter, or here, I have possibly mentioned meetings in New York, exciting prospects, and later updates. Well, I haven't mentioned much for a reason. It's not because I didn't want to, but more because I've had a small taste of what kind of delayed process any kind of publicity can be. When I was interviewed for CNN's Eatocracy back in October of last year,, they changed the concept and rescheduled a few times. So when I let the cat out of the bag the first time, I had to amend the release and the outlet. I wanted to talk about Rachael Ray contacting me soon after the article aired. Things seemed to move right along with them and they sent a film crew out to my location in Georgia. We filmed for an entire day. From the "B roll" footage to an interview, to an on-site filming at one of my favorite butcher shops locally, T&T Meats in Mc Donough, GA. All that was left was the in-studio taping and presto, a spot on nationally syndicated television. However, as season six of Rachael Ray progressed, my life turned upside-down with regular, normal, well, life. I went through a horrible break-up as you all well know, and gave them an update as things progressed. I'm not sure if that was it, if they honestly lost interest, got too busy, had folks a heck of a lot more interesting than me, or just deemed it worthy for the "project shelf". Last thing I heard was, "We don't have any more room in season six for you, maybe it'll be a good story for season seven. We do understand if you have to take other offers." This being said by a staffer I had NEVER spoken to before, and an email sent by me with an update was met by no response at all. Long story short, I love, love, love Rachael Ray, but am NOT holding my breath.
Superfine Films & WME
I had been contacted by several producers after the CNN article came out about doing television. I say doing television because some said "reality tv", some said "recipe based show", and nobody could really figure out which avenue or category I fit into. The moment some saw amateur video footage, they said in that "fancy" talk of theirs, "Nope." I went round and round with this, and through it all was one consistent, funny, warm fella that just wouldn't give up. His name is David Levitt, and he is with Superfine Films. He scared me off for a few months by talking about something called a holding agreement. I was unsure of how that worked, how fast things were going, and in general was completely out of my element. Rather than pressure me to make a commitment, he patiently opted to wait me out. David checked in with me from time to time during the following months, but never made me feel like I had to run screaming from him. This was the clincher. It turns out that not only would I get a great bunch of producers, but would also be represented by the oldest talent agency in the country, William Morris Endeavors or WME. William Morris has been around since vaudeville, and were the first to represent the cooking industry with people like Alton Brown, Paula Deen, and my fave, Guy Fieri. So in March of this year I signed with them. It's taken a ton of painstaking research on the part of Superfine, and a bunch of scheduling conflicts later, to get to what I call "The Shoot".
The Shoot
Right to left, David, Stephen, Me, And Alex. |
The Red Rooster |
Andy & crew at The Red Rooster |
PS I'll post another blog much sooner and include the recipe for the amazing banana bread I made tonight.
With Much Love,
gypsy gourmet
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Dekalb Farmer's Market, A Chef's Utopia with Summer Berry Trifle
Putting pen to paper (yes I'm archaic) I'm wondering just how to describe the cacophony of sounds and smells. The first smell to hit my nostrils was rich, strong black coffee. Whoa there darlin'! Necessary fuel to brave the largest farmer's market/specialty foods store I've ever been to. I thought Pike's Place market in Seattle was huge, but this takes the cake. Picture the largest Costco/Sam's Club you've ever been in and at least double it. I recently heard they are expanding said Market to make it even bigger. Hark! Are the angels singing again?! The scent of freshly brewed coffee brings me back to the task at hand and out of my delicious daydream of a bigger playground. I am a kid in a candy store after all. Coffee in hand, I am fortified with new focus(adult A.D.D. is a challenge) Without coffee I'm pretty sure I'd be distracted every few minutes by something "shiny" and all thoughts of a budget or list would be forgotten. I AM a "hot scattered mess", but I've been told it's part of my appeal. I'm betting I have a few peeps out there who "feel" me on this issue.
Gypsy Gourmet's Summer Berry Trifle
1 Qt Fresh Strawberries sliced 1/4 in thick
1 pint blueberries
1 pint raspberries
1 pint blackberries
Zest of 3 key limes
3-4 T locally sourced honey
16 oz prepared angel food cake cut into 1"cubes
1 Qt heavy whipping cream
1/3-1/2 c confectioners sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
seeds of 1 whole vanilla bean
Prepare the heavy cream in a mixer or with hand held beaters by adding the cream, vanilla, and vanilla bean, alternately adding the confectioners sugar a little at a time until stiff peaks form. Do not over beat, you'll have butter! Set whipped cream aside. I preach "mise en place" or "everything in it's place" for a reason folks. This is a simple dessert and can be made quickly during the regular preparation of a family meal as long as all of the ingredients are prepped. The best taste and flavors happen when you prepare it before you start dinner and let it sit for 2-4 hours. It's also great the next morning for breakfast with dry cereal or granola, if there's any left. Find a pretty bowl, clear is best, that holds at least 6 quarts. Figure three layers and garnish for the top, so if it helps you, please seperate beforehand. Start the layering with cake cubes, next zest of one key lime, and drizzle honey over the cake and zest. Layer the berries next, with strawberries on the outside for presentations sake. Refer to picture for help. Next comes the whipped cream. Repeat the layering until you reach the top of the bowl. Garnish with remaining cake and berries and do a final drizzle with honey on the top. Refrigerate until you're ready to serve. Voila! Yummy refeshing dessert that you can hardly feel bad about. This is a great addition to any summer dinner, tea with the girls, coffee clatch, or Sunday brunch.
I hope any or all of you have the chance to see some of the places I've mentioned here in the blog. While I know that's an unreasonable wish, I know at anytime you can live vicariously through me. I believe with all my heart that if you do have the chance to visit the Atlanta area, this is a must see for any kind of foodie. It will not disappoint. Make it a daytripper, ending in the ecclectic Little Five Points area. Have fun with it! I do almost every time I'm home. Be on the lookout for more exciting adventures coming soon, and until next time folks, eat well, laugh often, be free, and be you.
gypsy gourmet
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Southern Staple or Gift from Heaven?
Hiya folks, GG back to give you a quickie! I'm working on a longer blog with lots of cool stuff involved but wanted to drop in with my newest discovery. You may ask, "How has she lived in the South this long and NOT experienced shimp & grits?" The answer to your question is," **Shrug** I dunno! Shame on me!" I'm enamored with this Southern staple. It was again like my experience with the tamles. I had a good idea of the method, but no real working knowledge of the spices or a recipe to follow. Picture being at the house after a few weeks on the road, a long day of trying to cram everything I've missed into one day, handling a claim for a broken windshield, trying to coordinate my roommate moving out, my co driver and bro working like crazy all day in the rain to get the truck ship shape, and after a quick trip to the local conglomerate all-in-one store for a new set of locks, it's now ten o'clock at night and I have a hungry crew. I know I write about chaos a lot, but seriously? This is the soundtrack of my life. I never stop. So I picked up some large shrimp, quick but not instant grits, and green onions. I figured a quick experiment would satisfy my crew and my curiousity all at the same time. Fortunately for me I had the luck of the South on my side and it was stupendous!
Now, Niki being from California had not ever had grits. The night before Ashley, Jared, Niki, and I had ventured over to the Waffle House in Jonesboro, and while the service was a nightmare, she still did get to try cheesy grits, and loved them. This was the motivation I needed to try something new myself. I just was pretty much beat with no motivation. Not even enough motivation to research a recipe. This is what my mom would call "Kitchen Suprise". I grew up in a family of foodies and the long standing joke between us when we had no idea what to make, was this phrase. (Also, when it was time to order out mom would tell us, "I'm making green Jell-O.") So back from the store, my meager supplies put away, I started my mise en place(Everything in it's place.) to begin. This recipe fed three hungry adults. It could feed four non-starving peeps.
Shrimp & Grits Gypsy Gourmet Style
2 lbs large shrimp 21-36 ct per lb peeled, devained, tails on
1/4 stick butter (real!)
2-3 tsp minced garlic, jarred or fresh
1 T heaping cajun seasoning without salt (Mine came from Dekalb Market. Trader Joe's, Local Co-Op, or Sprouts bulk will work. Or make your own.)
3-4 stalks of green onion , greens chopped and white part discarded
1 c Quick grits, follow package directions
1/2 c finely shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
1/4 c finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3/4 stick butter (real butter, no plastic tub crap please!)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp sea salt or to taste
To begin with gather your supplies and cut the green onions and set aside. Fix quick grits according to package instructions adding butter, cheese, and salt, stirring well and set aside covered. Get a large skillet hot on med-high melt butter, adding shrimp, seasoning, and garlic. Cook until done, meaning they're pink and not grey at all. This will go fast, so don't walk away or you will over cook the shrimp. At the last minute add green onions and stir, removing from heat. Voila! Shrimp and grits. Serve grits in a bowl and spoon the shrimp over the top. Easy & delicious.
This dish was a comfoting melody of flavors and substance after a crazy day. It only took about 15-20 min to prepare from start to finish, and Niki declared that it was the "New avocado." her favorite weakness. She asked me if it would be hard to prepare on the truck, and warned me that she'd ask for it on a semi regular basis. Remember folks, this is our little health nut, and she adored this recipe. I'm happy to repot that while it may or may not be exactly traditional, neither am I, and it was superb. I have taken all the time I can allow away from my crazy schedule, complicated blog, and general chaos that surrounds me. So until next time, eat well, laugh often, be you, and be free!
gypsy gourmet
Now, Niki being from California had not ever had grits. The night before Ashley, Jared, Niki, and I had ventured over to the Waffle House in Jonesboro, and while the service was a nightmare, she still did get to try cheesy grits, and loved them. This was the motivation I needed to try something new myself. I just was pretty much beat with no motivation. Not even enough motivation to research a recipe. This is what my mom would call "Kitchen Suprise". I grew up in a family of foodies and the long standing joke between us when we had no idea what to make, was this phrase. (Also, when it was time to order out mom would tell us, "I'm making green Jell-O.") So back from the store, my meager supplies put away, I started my mise en place(Everything in it's place.) to begin. This recipe fed three hungry adults. It could feed four non-starving peeps.
Shrimp & Grits Gypsy Gourmet Style
2 lbs large shrimp 21-36 ct per lb peeled, devained, tails on
1/4 stick butter (real!)
2-3 tsp minced garlic, jarred or fresh
1 T heaping cajun seasoning without salt (Mine came from Dekalb Market. Trader Joe's, Local Co-Op, or Sprouts bulk will work. Or make your own.)
3-4 stalks of green onion , greens chopped and white part discarded
1 c Quick grits, follow package directions
1/2 c finely shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
1/4 c finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3/4 stick butter (real butter, no plastic tub crap please!)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp sea salt or to taste
To begin with gather your supplies and cut the green onions and set aside. Fix quick grits according to package instructions adding butter, cheese, and salt, stirring well and set aside covered. Get a large skillet hot on med-high melt butter, adding shrimp, seasoning, and garlic. Cook until done, meaning they're pink and not grey at all. This will go fast, so don't walk away or you will over cook the shrimp. At the last minute add green onions and stir, removing from heat. Voila! Shrimp and grits. Serve grits in a bowl and spoon the shrimp over the top. Easy & delicious.
This dish was a comfoting melody of flavors and substance after a crazy day. It only took about 15-20 min to prepare from start to finish, and Niki declared that it was the "New avocado." her favorite weakness. She asked me if it would be hard to prepare on the truck, and warned me that she'd ask for it on a semi regular basis. Remember folks, this is our little health nut, and she adored this recipe. I'm happy to repot that while it may or may not be exactly traditional, neither am I, and it was superb. I have taken all the time I can allow away from my crazy schedule, complicated blog, and general chaos that surrounds me. So until next time, eat well, laugh often, be you, and be free!
gypsy gourmet
Friday, June 8, 2012
My Southern Menagerie a Damn Yankee's Attempt at Collard Greens
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Ms Carol |
Ashley & Jared |
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CJ up to bat @ season open '12 |
Jared and his tempramental tractor |
Our southern feast |
My daisies from Niki |
On a side note, Niki surprised me with flowers as a hostess gift(The girl's got manners too!). She bought me a lovely bouquet of daisies and they were so pretty I had to add them. I couldn't resist, I'm a sucker for daisies.
Damn Yankee's Attempt @ Collard Greens
2 pkgs prepared collards fresh (See even I cheat a little guys, I had a LOT to prepare. This took the guesswork out)
1 smoked ham hock
4-5 small russet potatoes peeled & 1/2 in cubes
1 lg sweet onion (Vidalia if in season, we're from GA!) julienned into 1/2 in strips
1/4 c minced garlic fresh or jarred
1 T Better Than Boullion Vegetable base
1 qt chicken stock
1-2 T Tony Chacherie's Cajun seasoning, I used the extra hot.
Use a heavy bottom large stock pot, I'm guessing 12 quart or better. I simply added the potatoes, onion, garlic, chicken stock, boullion, ham hock, and seasoning together, warming it up enough to dissolve the boullion. Then I added the two bags of collards, set the heat to med-low/simmer, covered it, and crossed my fingers. I had no idea how long to simmer, just used common sense and cooked until fork tender, checking occasionally to stir. When the collards and potatoes are tender, that's it. Voila! Collard greens so yummy there were hardly leftovers. Next up, turnip greens.
Every time I'm home it gets harder to leave. I love my little world. The safety, the feeling of "home", the sanctity of family, the holidays spent, the laughter, and the great joy surrounds us like champagne bubbles in your nose. It's a happy place that keeps me sane in this world of hustle and bustle, fast paced craziness, and just in time freight. Every day my life gets a little busier, with more demands on my time, more work to put out, bigger goals to attain, and larger dreams to chase. I'm no different than any of you, no matter where you come from or what you do for a living. Just remember folks, as busy as we all are, some things should never be taken for granted. Take the time to heal your spirit with adequate time with the people you love. Tell them just how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. Dorothy had it right, there's no place like home.
So until next time folks, while you're out there "just a-gettin' it" remember to eat well, laugh often, be you, and be free.
I love you ALL.
gypsy gourmet
Saturday, June 2, 2012
New Jersey to Washington, Tilapia Made Easy
Tilapia is a versatile fish that can easily be cooked from a frozen or fresh state. It is readily available at the best fish markets or in your local grocery store or food co-op. This dish is a one skillet wonder and you can keep it simple with your favorite all in one seasoning blend. I used a blend that has become one of my favorites (Thanks Jay for the introduction!). It's called Tex Joy and can be purchased all over Texas or online at If either way is inconvienient for you, Tony Chacherie's Cajun seasoning is an excellent substitute and can be found in the spice isle at your local supermarket. Round off your meal with fresh fruit and a sauteed veggie and you've only taken about fifteen minutes out of your day to create a hot, home cooked meal that you don't have to feel guilty about.
One Skillet Tilapia for Two
2 tilapia fillets (4 if they're very small)
2 T. olive oil
1 T. REAL butter
Tex Joy or Tony Chacherie's seasoning to taste
4 c. fresh broccoli florets
1/2 sweet onion julienned into 1/4 in strips
small amount of water to steam (less than 1/4 c)
small additional amount of olive oil (less than a tablespoon)
Easy enough in a non stick electric skillet, but whatever your favorite is use it! Make sure you have a cover for it, for the slight steam process at the end. Get skillet good and hot (med-high for some or between 300-325 for others). While skillet is getting hot season both sides of the fish and set aside. Add oil and butter to skillet and allow butter to melt and sizzle before adding fish presentation side down. Generally the flat side is the bottom of the fish. Give the fish about 2 minutes to achieve a nice crispy brown, and remember this will cook fairly quickly and will try to fall apart if it's overcooked or flipped more than once. So curb your instincts and flip your fish only one time. After 2 min or your golden crispy texture has been achieved, flip the fish. Add the broccoli florets and onion around the fillets and sprinkle with a small amount of olive oil and seasoning. Emeril says his veggies don't come seasoned and baby neither do mine! Also this seasoning is to YOUR taste and needs not mine. So be creative and have fun with it. Check the fish for doneness by touching the center of the fillet. If its firm to the touch and springs back it's done. Place each fillet on a plate and stir your veggies well adding a little water and the cover for approximately one minute more. Uncover and plate veggies with the fish, add fresh fruit and enjoy!
gypsy gourmet
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
A little spot of heaven.....
You may ask yourselves, "Just where the heck is Chillicothe, TX?" Well let me tell you, it's on the US 287 in Texas en route to I 40 and Amarillo. Tiny little sleepy town nestled amidst what looks to be miles and miles of wheat fields. I never expected to stumble across a gem in the middle of nowhere, but folks, gypsy luck is on my side today! I have been eating like a bird for the last five days. The mother of all summer head colds has brought me low and I've had to hustle across the country anyway. Such is life and this is the real world not television. Yet. So I find myself starving, exhausted, and feeling like I've been run over by the truck I've been driving. I see a few scattered signs pointing toward a small town restaurant that mentions truck parking and at this point, I'm sold. I haven't been grocerey shopping in more than a week and eggs and bacon have lost all of their appeal. I'm more than happy to let someone else do the cooking and dishes. Here comes the hard part. The ferverent prayer that wherever I stop will have decent food. So I cross my fingers and walk up.

Welcome to Love's BBQ & Steakhouse. I was greeted immediately by Mr. Tommy Love, owner of said BBQ joint. With a friendly smile and a slight apology about the construction( they're expanding some), he assures me I'm in the right place if I'm hungry. For a girl who hasn't been able to smell or taste anything for almost a week, the scent of mesquite smoked meats wafting toward me immediately made my mouth water. Uh oh, getting excited.. Tone it down Gypsy, we haven't seen the menu yet. There's a hand printed specials board that immediately gets my attention. I see a lot of ribeye and something called chicken fried bacon, YES! Chicken fried bacon. As I'm trying to wrap my coconut around this anomaly I'm informed by my lovely server, Traci, that Mr. Tommy ages, smokes, and cuts every piece of meat in the joint. I'm now so terribly excited I can't hardly put a sentance together! AHHH I AM HOME! I put enough brain cells to work to order the ribeye special with two sides. The pictures will speak the volumes I cannot. I've stuttered over the sheer amazement of flavor and tenderness. I've eaten ribeye all over the country and can honestly say this was the best I've EVER had in my mouth. EVER. Yes, anywhere in the country. Yup, better than them. It's a tough distinction having mulled it over this is the conclusion I've come to. This place is absolutely 100% legit. I want to scream to every foodie in the country to try this steak, and I'm loathe to even share with my best buddy, Harley, waiting patiently in the truck(he's spoiled rotten and did get his share, although grudingly).
The tiny salad bar across the dining room bespoke fresh, crisp vegetables prepared with care. The dressings are mostly homemade, like the French, ranch, and the thousand island. I tried a mixture of ranch and French. Again amazing flavor. The creamy garlic of the ranch paired with the spicy tomato punch of the French was music in my mouth. I had the homemade beans and coleslaw to accompany my steak, the beans were superb, with just the right amount of sweet, spicy, and savory. Not to mention the pulled beef brisket pieces popping up when you least expect it. The coleslaw was crisp and creamy without a harsh vinegar finish. So far, so good. As I'm in my own little seventh heaven, Traci(bless her heart) starts spinning a tale of homemade cobbler, made by Ms Sue, Mr Tommy's wife. I'm thinking to myself,"How am I going to walk out of here, much less drive a few more hours down the road?" The answer is stay, eat well, have a walk with the pup, and sleep. Did I forget to mention there's four different kinds of cobbler?! Or that there's homemade vanilla ice cream to go with that cobbler?! Traci is the sweetest server, but she blew my calorie counting right out the window! I'm going to have to be VERY good for a really long time to make up for the feast I've had at Love's.

Mr Tommy was kind enough to show me his custom built smoker. I literally had goosebumps when I gazed upon this work of art. The temperature is so consistant that it only varies by two degrees. Either direction. He demonstrated this with the simple dial and damper system. He not only cuts his own meats, but ages them too. He makes his own bacon for gosh sakes! Without any of the chemical preservatives you would expect in bacon. Mr Tommy cures solely with salt, sugar, and smoke.The way God Himself would want the pig treated. I have not found such pride in ones' art in a terribly long time and have had immesurable pleasure whiling away a few hours here. These folks are the salt of the Earth, they've been farmers, truckers, and now restaurant proprietors. The Love they have for the food and their community shine through with every dish, every smile, every handshake, and every hug. This is a must stop for anyone travelling the 287 through Texas in between Dallas and Amarillo. Not just truckers like me, but anyone. There's plenty of truck parking at the Allsup's a quarter of a mile down the road, next to Allsup's at the old mill, and even behind Love's. I will be back and hopefully soon, because Mr Tommy's ribs are next! Until next time folks, eat well, laugh often, and drive America's highways safely!
gypsy gourmet
Welcome to Love's BBQ & Steakhouse. I was greeted immediately by Mr. Tommy Love, owner of said BBQ joint. With a friendly smile and a slight apology about the construction( they're expanding some), he assures me I'm in the right place if I'm hungry. For a girl who hasn't been able to smell or taste anything for almost a week, the scent of mesquite smoked meats wafting toward me immediately made my mouth water. Uh oh, getting excited.. Tone it down Gypsy, we haven't seen the menu yet. There's a hand printed specials board that immediately gets my attention. I see a lot of ribeye and something called chicken fried bacon, YES! Chicken fried bacon. As I'm trying to wrap my coconut around this anomaly I'm informed by my lovely server, Traci, that Mr. Tommy ages, smokes, and cuts every piece of meat in the joint. I'm now so terribly excited I can't hardly put a sentance together! AHHH I AM HOME! I put enough brain cells to work to order the ribeye special with two sides. The pictures will speak the volumes I cannot. I've stuttered over the sheer amazement of flavor and tenderness. I've eaten ribeye all over the country and can honestly say this was the best I've EVER had in my mouth. EVER. Yes, anywhere in the country. Yup, better than them. It's a tough distinction having mulled it over this is the conclusion I've come to. This place is absolutely 100% legit. I want to scream to every foodie in the country to try this steak, and I'm loathe to even share with my best buddy, Harley, waiting patiently in the truck(he's spoiled rotten and did get his share, although grudingly).
gypsy gourmet
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